Student Voice members during Love Our Colleges Week
Student Voice members during Love Our Colleges Week

About Student Voice

Communication Specialist College Doncaster recognises the importance of Student Voice and how this supports us to effectively enhance the quality of provision by increasing our responsiveness to the needs both of individuals and of the wider College community. We are therefore committed to embedding a culture of student Voice throughout the College and promoting student voice in all possible opportunities.

Students have a variety of ways they can share their voice in the College, some of these are:

  • Student Voice meetings will follow a structured calendar each academic year with themed questions set for each meeting.  Students follow a themes agenda around some of the following topics: Curriculum/TLA, Safeguarding, Maths and English, Careers, Transition, Admissions, Deaf Awareness, College Services/Estates, Residential, Therapy etc. The agenda will be discussed before each Student Voice meeting within Tutor Groups encouraging student s' participation at all opportunities.


  • Student Voice team has the following structure for each meeting:
    • Chair (Student elected each year)
    • Deputy Chair (Student elected each year)
    • Specialist “Leader” roles such as Deaf Awareness Leader, LGBTQIA+ Leader etc.
    • 15 additional students, 5 students from each curriculum pathway to be elected or self-nominated at the start of each academic year within Tutor Groups.
    • Deputy Principal or Principal of College
    • Admissions and Transitions Manager as overall facilitator
    • Curriculum Manager


  • Capturing Student Voice: Student voice will be captured through a variety of means to ensure that all students are heard and their views are shared.  They will be captured through student voice meetings, EHCP reviews, tutorials, 1:1’s, Careers appointments, initial assessment, baseline, surveys, end of year evaluation, student meetings (once every half term), student course review, student voice feedback in CMT and Governors by facilitator, student panel during interviews of new staff, Internal emails, positive behaviour plans/contracts and RAs, Safeguarding (QR Codes), feedback to staff via QR Codes.  


  • “You said, we did” will be the outcome of completed Student Voice activity, documenting the origins, the journey and the end result.  These will be celebrated by being physically displayed around the College and shared through all avenues such as Tutor Groups and Newsletters.  This is important for students to be able to recognise the positive changes they have made.


  • Student Surveys – 3 per academic year


  • Student Excellence:
    • Students rewarded for exemplary attendance, achievement or work (careers).
    • Tutors nominate students, 3 times a year.


  • “Skills Badges” Teamwork, leadership etc. To work alongside the curriculum and personal development. These badges can be achieved throughout a student's journey in our college and linked to the skills that employers are looking for. There will be evidence required for each badge and will be individualised to the student’s needs. Celebrated and awarded to students by the Principal.


  • Enrichment activities:
    • Lunchtime clubs
    • Christmas/ Summer fayres
    • Parties
    • Deaf social club
    • Community events/ competitions
    • Trips
    • Graduation


  • Student Participation:

Student Voice meetings, Tutor Groups, Governor meetings, recruitment panels, Safeguarding and overall feedback via QR codes and physical means as well as internal events and activities and, externally, through links with the local community.