The college will engage students through methods which suit their individual needs. Each student will have access to an individualised timetable using the most meaningful way to engage the student through discussions with students, and where appropriate their family and circle of support. Students will be expected to engage in learning between 3 -5 hours a day.
For students accessing non-accredited learning; Targets and EHCP learning outcomes are shared and discussed with families, with weekly targets for students to work towards. The college is able to use Zoom, Google Meet and Microsoft Team to meet remotely with students. The college Students have access to email, BKSB, Learning Assistant and on- line resources linked to their vocational qualifications.
Students will also receive practical equipment to support learning e.g hair blocks, joinery packs, horticulture seeds. Weekly tutorials will take place with appropriate staff to review their weekly work.
To ensure consistency, Maths and English will continue to be set on topics that are appropriate to the young person’s learning outcomes.
Work for the week will be sent to parents / students from a variety of their timetabled subjects. There will also be a focus on young person’s mental health and well-being linked to what is taught in college and what goes home for home learning. Those students who do not have access to a laptop will be prioritised with one from college.