Doncaster School for the Deaf Secondary Pupil
Doncaster School for the Deaf Secondary Pupil

Parent View

We value the views of our parents. 

We would be pleased to receive responses from Ofsted's Parent View page. 

Take the survey below;

Alternatively you can print the survey and send it back to us, Please see link below;

Printable Parent View Survey


If there is an issue that you wish to discuss you are very welcome to contact us by email, phone, or visit anytime.

Pupils have said ( from our questionnaire January 2021)

The best thing about this school is:

  • Staff listen to me and all staff can sign so understand me.
  • Helping with signing and talking about English and Science and Maths and I am learning and I am happy
  • Seeing/ talking with my friends and seeing my best friend
  • Learning.
  • Good friends and using signing and speech
  • Seeing my friends every day and teachers smiling at me.
  • Break time and playing football.
  • Because everybody is good at signing.
  • Playing with friends at break and lunchtime
  • Nice teachers help and I can ask questions to understand better


Parents have said ( from our questionnaire June 2020)

  • 'As usual always thinking of the children and what support is needed from us parents.'
  • 'The updates from school and staff are great.'
  • 'you work as a team and doing your best at this current time'
  • 'He loves talking about science things. He used the lamp and some balls to talk about the solar system.
  • The other day he came home and talked about his cochlear implant operation. I guess someone talked to him about it.
  • He really likes using what he learns in school and he is interested in to expand at home, uses google for pictures etc.'


Parent comments from our school Facebook:

  • Amazing school which wraps around your child's individual needs!
  • The care and love from all members of staff is above and beyond any SEN school I have come across.#FANTASTIC
  • Tonight we went to parents evening, and it just cemented the fact that we definitely chose the right school for our daughter. She is working hard, making progress and is a pleasure to teach. If you are looking for a school for your deaf child that embraces BSL then please visit, you won't be disappointed

Parent comments from  annual reviews:

  • She loves going to school and is always keen to complete her homework.
  • Over the last year my child has been amazing, confident, growing into lovely young adult with the support to access education even through this Covid time.
  • This is an excellent  school, with dedicated staff to get the best out of their pupils. My child is progressing really well and the school to home communication is excellent (February 2021) 

Pupil comments - 11 y old girl (handwritten comments for her Annual Review).

  • I like this school (Doncaster School for the Deaf) because there have full access using BSL (British Sign Language)
  • I learn lots of interesting things like: Science History and PE.
  • I have lots of close friends here and I love playing tag with them.


Comments from Deaf CAMHS

  • Another example of the good relationship between Deaf CAMHS and Doncaster school and highlights how excellent joint working like this ensures our children are kept safe.
  • It is clear how much time and effort have gone in to supporting this family. You’ve clearly done an excellent job of managing the situation.