Doncaster School for the Deaf pupil working on the computer
Doncaster School for the Deaf pupil working on the computer

E-safety is electronic safety for children and it can be associated with websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype and any other social network.

Make sure you know who/what your children/child is talking to online.

These websites will give you more information on e-safety: 

Childnet international gives information in BSL and English 

Select an image to visit the relevant site:

    bbc-logo                           childnet-logoceop-logo


The NSPCC have produced guidelines to help parents talk with their child/young person about the dangers and legalities surrounding staying safe online. 

Subjects cover:

-online safety


-online porn 


Doncaster School for the Deaf E-Safety Policy 


The internet is a fantastic way for children to keep in touch with friends, play games, learn new things and have fun.

However when children use the internet, they need to be safe. Sometimes the internet can put them in danger.

There are no expectations on adults to know the ins and outs of every game, app or website. 

But by learning the basics about an app, you at least give yourself a better understanding of the potential risks. There are 10 apps that teenagers are using and parents need to know about them.

There is also information about enabling Parental Resrictions fo iOS; turning off Location Services and how to check for multiple User (Fake) Accounts on your child's phone in this online article. 


Childline has launched a website aimed at children under the age of 12. 

This provides age appropriate content on topics including: bullying, family, friends, feelings, school, abuse and staying safe. 

It also includes games and therapeutic tools for young visitors to play and express how they are feeling.