Doncaster School for the Deaf pupils with support worker at a computer
Doncaster School for the Deaf pupils with support worker at a computer

Pupils with a range of communication needs attend the school. We aim to teach the curriculum through the pupil's preferred language, aiming not only to achieve high standards of education, but also to develop a positive self-image, self-esteem and self-respect among pupils. 

In order to work towards our goal as a fully inclusive environment, we recognise the need, as a school community, to implement all parts of this policy in a consistent way. This means we prioritise the building of strong working partnerships between deaf and hearing people throughout the school. We firmly believe effective communication across the school is vital to ensure a harmonious and inclusive society to the benefit of all. 

Pupils have access to Speech and Language Therapy and British Sign Language lessons.

A range of communication modes are used at DSD and these include:

  • British Sign Language
  • Sign Supported English
  • spoken English
  • written English
  • visual support for teaching (e.g. through ICT)
  • lip-reading
  • listening using hearing aids/ implants.
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)'