Dickson House Staff and Pupils in a group photo
Dickson House Staff and Pupils in a group photo


Dickson House is a detached house with its own garden.

The home has a variety of spacious communal areas including a play room with access to computers and games, a TV lounge, a dining room and a kitchen. It also has a family bathroom, a separate toilet and a utility room, where young people can learn to wash their own clothes.

The home has six bedrooms, one for each of the young people living in Dickson House, a staff office and a staff sleep-in room for the on-duty employee each evening.

The North Flat has four bedrooms, one for each of the children, one which is used as a staff office/bedroom. It also has a spacious lounge/dining room, kitchen and play room.

Each young person’s room in both Dickson House and the North Flat includes a suitable bed and bedding, desk and seating, storage for clothes and a secure door lock to ensure personal possessions are safe. This door lock ensures that entry from the outside is only permitted with a key but can be opened as normal from the inside. Children are not required to share bedrooms, and young residents are encouraged to personalise their rooms, to create an environment similar to their own home.        

Doncaster Deaf Trust Children’s Home(s) strongly believes Deaf people should have access to equipment and provisions which enable them to access a wide range of facilities and live as independently as possible.

The Home has a range of tools to help make this possible, including:

  • Flashing fire alarms in every bedroom
  • Staff who communicate using British Sign Language
  • Trained interpreters
  • On site audiologist
  • Vibrating alarm clocks
  • Computer access
  • Subtitles on all forms of TV media

Using these provisions, individuals are encouraged to develop their independence, while having the added security of trained staff on hand to support them. 

Leisure and Recreation

Doncaster Deaf Trust is situated on the edge of Doncaster, a large market town, approximately 18 miles north east of Sheffield. 

The Trust is within walking distance of Doncaster town centre which has a large shopping centre, swimming pool, sports centre, cinema/theatre and railway station and retail and food shops.

There are also local youth clubs, dance classes, football teams and drama groups.

Dickson House and the North Flat are a short walk from one of the largest leisure complexes in the country, Doncaster Dome.

Dickson House and the North Flat are located in the grounds of Doncaster Deaf Trust where children have access to a range of facilities set in six acres of playing fields. 

Doncaster School for the Deaf provides specialist education for the children accommodated within the Home who have hearing impairments and/or additional special needs.  For children who require support after the age of 16 and who are involved in further education, there are opportunities within the Home to support the development of practical life skills.

Visitors are welcome at reasonable times during the day and evening, but preferably not when children should be at school, or after the Home has settled in the evening (usually 9pm). All visitors must sign in using the Visitors’ Book and will be appropriately chaperoned. 

Daily Routine

Dickson House and the North Flat are like any typical family home. 

Mornings are busy getting everyone up and ready for school, while evenings involve homework, relaxing, socialising with friends and activities, either at the Home or within the local community.

An example of a ‘typical day’ is demonstrated below:

  • Between 7-9am residents wake up, shower, have breakfast and any medication they require and make sure school bag is ready for the day ahead. Leave on time, escorted by care staff who walk residents to school and have a handover with the teaching staff.
  • During the day, staff from the home will complete any paperwork, or escort the residents to any appointments they may have such as dentist, doctor or opticians.
  • At 3.15pm, staff collect the children from school, have a handover with the teaching staff and walk them back to the Home.
  • Children are encouraged to get changed and complete their homework, with staff assistance if needed.
  • Staff cook tea for everyone and the young residents are encouraged to help with mealtimes to develop their independence skills. This includes preparing, cooking and tidying away.
  • Children have a choice of evening activities including swimming, bowling, attending a local club - street dancing, football training and scouts are popular choices - or just relaxing at the Home using the computer, TV or games consoles.
  • Children have supper and then get ready for bed.
  • Staff work with parents and professionals to make sure that sleep is promoted. Children are encouraged to go to bed at an age appropriate time so they are ready for the next day.
  • When the children are in bed, staff complete any necessary paperwork.

Weekends and holidays in Dickson House

Weekends and holidays in Dickson House and the North Flat provide more flexibility to the daily routine. Hobbies and activities are actively encouraged and staff are available to support and advise young people in their chosen pursuits.