Our Strategic Plan has 6 priorities and 15 aims which are detailed below. The plan will be reviewed on an annual basis to measure progress and impact through each priority and aim. In between the annual review, progress is monitored and measured so that adjustments and changes can be made where necessary to ensure flexibility in the plan to changing circumstances. You can read our plan by clicking on the link below.

If you think that you can support us with the achievement of our plan and if you would like to contribute to it then please contact the Trust on; enquiries@ddt-deaf.org.uk OR 01302 386700



1. To develop a strategic approach to planning within the leadership across the Trust that inspires others and strengthens the long term vision and planning for the future

2. To develop strategic partnerships with appropriate organisations to support the achievement of aims and objectives


3. To establish a Leadership Group to share skills, provide direction and drive improvements across all services

4. Design and implement our own Leadership Development Programme to provide opportunities for development and increase our distributed leadership capacity


5. To ensure services deliver provision that is outstanding, innovative and focused on continuous and sustained improvement that provides excellent outcomes for the people we serve

6. Embed systems, procedures, practices, training and a culture that strengthens professional development, improves standards and performance

7. To develop and improve our specialist provision and strengthen our specialist services to ensure that people whom access our services get the best possible support

8. To re-affirm and build our reputation as a national centre of excellence in deaf education


9. To be financially viable through effective budget management and to develop provision that will complement our core business through other funding opportunities

10. To engage with appropriate commercial opportunities in order to grow our services and to re-invest back into our provision

11. To develop an income generation strategy that will aim to increase income across all services and access new opportunities to grow the business across the Trust

12. Develop fundraising and grant applications to provide resources, facilities, accommodation and opportunities for the people we serve

13. To implement a marketing plan to engage with Local Authorities, potential service users, families, business communities and wider stakeholders to strengthen partnerships, build our profile and increase enrolments across all services


14. To develop accommodation that provides outstanding facilities for learning, living and work that is sustainable and environmentally friendly


15. To develop and implement a strategy that will increase our future capacity and to support services to develop innovative practices using technology that will enhance access, teaching, learning and employability


Read our Strategic Plan 2020-2025