Nature block
Nature block

Here at Little Learners we embrace all opportunities to extend our children's access to a range of differing aspects of teaching and learning. Children from out setting will have the opportunity to utilise our onsite Forest School to test their skills and try out new ones. Children will be invited to the site with a qualified Forest School Leader who will lead the provision through planned and purposeful activities with appropriate boundaries and safety. Children will take part in activities such as bug hunting, making potions and dens and once boundaries have been firmly established children may be taught how to safely use tools and fire. We understand these activities may pose higher risk, however through quality teaching in small groups, children will learn how to confidently approach these with care and safety. Our Forest School programme is delivered over time, it is not a short term process as children need time to reflect, evaluate and practice skills. 

The Learning Process

The Forest School approach to learning in the outdoors is rooted firmly in the key education theorists who place the child at the centre of their own learning; an emphasis is place on the importance of children being allowed to explore the world with appropriate support. Interestingly, many of them were significantly influenced by the great outdoors. Forest School encourages children to explore their own innate learning in the richest classroom we have - the outdoors.

The Forest School Ethos

The unique educational experience and process that Forest School offers gives children the opportunity to succeed and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a natural woodland environment. 

Motivating and achievable activities are offered to children throughout the year and in almost all weathers. children will work with tools, play, learn boundaries of behaviour; both physical and social, grow in confidence, self-esteem and motivation whilst developing an understanding of the natural world.

A Forest School encourages children to:

  • Develop personal and social skills,
  • Work through practical problems and challenges,
  • Use tools to create, build or manage,
  • Discover how they learn best,
  • Pursue knowledge that interests them,
  • Learn how to manage failures,
  • Build confidence in decision making and evaluating risk,
  • Develop practical skills,
  • Understand and benefits of a balanced and healthy lifestyle,
  • Explore connections between humans, wildlife and the earth,
  • Regularly experience achievement and success,
  • Reflect on learning and experiences,
  • develop their language and communication skills,
  • Improve physical motor skills,
  • Become more motivated,
  • Improve their concentration skills.